Monday, April 17, 2017

how local governments can use short code messaging for citizens

According to research conducted by Pew Research on smartphone usage, one of the most overlooked mobile features—yet most frequently used by consumers—is SMS/MMS text messaging. If utilized properly, this can provide a direct and ongoing line of engagement to local residents, which can become extremely important when trying to notify citizens of a major public-safety incident. However, in order to do that, access and approval to message with local mobile numbers is needed. One way some agencies have been accomplishing this is through the use of common short codes. 

These five- to six-digit codes let mobile users opt-in to receiving text-message notifications from a particular agency. They are universally accessible on most networks and mobile devices. Most federal agencies in the US and Canada specially local governments across American cities have already have messaging alert systems that local residents have the option to join an subscribe to alerts . However most of them lack a dedicated mobile service and have a a website, which can limit residents’ awareness of and engagement with these programs.

 In today’s mobile first world, local governments can employ common short codes to increase engagement and get more residents connected and informed. This lets residents easily opt-in to alerts and announcements, and government agencies can promote them via advertisements, brochures and other collateral.Healthcare is another big area which local governments can aid citizens regarding epidemic, health scares or other pandemic . EMERGENCY services too can be enabled across mobile messaging which could keep local communities in staying abreast of government policies and healthcare updates and safety issues.

 Another advantage of utilizing SMS/MMS is that it is targeted to a mobile subscriber’s opt-in phone number, which may or may not physically be located in the geographic area where a person is currently located. For example, subscribers could sign up for weather alerts in the town where they have a home or or on vacation or are where they have family or relatives to monitor their safety. Short code mobile messaging can be used to target an area where the subscriber is currently physically located and where the phone is turned on and is receiving a signal.For example weather updates and local information,like trade shows, seminars, industry conferences can be advertised and promoted via " mobile messaging "

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